We are dedicated to finding the ideal buyer for your business and identifying the perfect business for investors to acquire.
“Our mission is to bridge the gap between sellers and buyers by using effective marketing strategies.”

About us..
At BisUnited, our fundamental vision is to empower business owners and investors by facilitating successful and prosperous deals. We commit to fostering an environment that is positive and beneficial, enabling all parties to achieve their goals and aspirations.
Many business owners encounter difficulties when it comes to finding the ideal buyer who truly appreciates the value of their business. Additionally, both business owners and investors often struggle due to time constraints when trying to connect and explore potential opportunities.
We commit to bridging this gap by actively reaching out to our network of interested buyers and new investors who are prepared to purchase businesses. Our role includes assisting businesses in crafting effective exit strategies to ensure a smooth transition and successful deal.
Need Prospecting leads of buyers?
Diggydata (our daughter company) is ready to help
We help to make deals..
It’s important to note that when BisUnited provides an acquisition search service for potential buyers, we are transparent from the beginning, clearly indicating whether we are acting on behalf of the buyer or the seller. Our approach involves thorough market research to identify the most suitable strategic buyers, whom we directly approach.
We intentionally limit our client base to ensure we can allocate the necessary resources to attain the best deal value and a high rate of success. Furthermore, in addition to this approach, we consistently expand our active buyer database by facilitating business sales.
If you have inquiries about how we can assist in reaching your business objectives, we warmly welcome you to reach out to us. Moreover, feel free to contact us at +44 (0) 20 3287 7615. Rest assured that we hold all conversations in strict confidence and that they carry no obligation. Lastly, we look forward to connecting with you.